Talking About Experiences | With The Present Perfect

Talking About Experiences

A fun lesson for ESL students to learn the present perfect grammar, vocabulary, and expressions while talking about travel and life experiences using Present Perfect. Watch the ESL video and use the ESL Printable and Digital storytelling flashcards to retell the story and practice using new vocabulary and expressions. Get the downloadable and printable ESL worksheets, ESL printable and digital flashcards, ESL listening and reading exercises, and gamify lessons with badges and stamps.

Warm Up

  1. Have you ever been to Australia?
  2. Do you know anyone from a foreign country?
  3. Have you ever seen a poisonous snake?

ESL Video and ESL Listening Practice Present Perfect

Watch the following YouTube video:

ESL Listening Questions

  1. What animal does Tony see?
  2. Does Tony like the restaurant that they are in?
  3. What does it have a good view of?
  4. What is Jack into?
  5. Where did he grow up?
  6. Has Jack ever seen any poisonous snakes?
  7. Has he ever eaten any crocodile meat?
  8. Does Jack like rugby?
  9. According to Jack, what does crocodile meat taste like?
Talking About Experiences

Matching – Talking About Experiences

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. chewy
2. poisonous
3. view
4. favorite
5. check out
6. taste
7. into (something)
8. huge
a. the range of vision
b. to look at; research
c. liked more than other things
d. producing a toxic substance that can kill someone
e. the flavor of a thing in your mouth
f. interested in
g. something that has to be chewed more because of its toughness
h. very big; very much

Talking About Experiences In English

Word Bank

beautiful view | mate | down under
poisonous | crocodile
I’m not a big fan of (it) | chewy


Use words from the Word Bank to complete the sentences below.

  1. I like to go mountain climbing so that I can take in the ____________________ of the city.
  2. I like beef jerky. Its very _______________________ tastes great and it’s satisfying.
  3. There are a lot of ___________________ spiders in the desert. Be careful when you visit Las Vegas.
  4. He’s a ________________ of the Patriots. He watches their games every weekend.

Grammar – Present Perfect Past Participle

What is the past participle form of the following words? Complete the questions.

  1. Have you ever _________________ (meet) a famous person?
  2. Have you ever __________________ (climb) Mount Fuji?
  3. Have you ever ______________________ (see) the sunrise on the beach?
  4. Have you ever _______________ (go) to a concert?
  5. Have you ever _________________ (get) food poisoning?
  6. Have you ever __________________ (spend) a lot of money on something?
  7. Have you ever _______________ (drink) too much alcohol?
  8. Have you ever ________________ (study) a foreign language in another country?

ESL Printable and Digital Flashcards: Practice the Present Perfect

Use the following ESL printable flashcards to practice talking about experiences using the present perfect.

Eating Indian food esl printable flashcards
Eating Lunch esl printable flashcards
Snake esl printable flashcards

Conversation about Experiences using the Present Perfect

Tony: Wow, look at that bird!

Jack: It’s really beautiful, isn’t it?

Tony: It sure is. This restaurant is one of my favorite places.

Jack: Yeah, that really is a beautiful view of the park.

Tony: Are you into hiking and nature?

Jack: Yeah, I am. I grew up in a small town in Australia called Bodin.

Tony: Australia? I have never been there, but I really want to go.

Jack: It’s really a great place, mate. You really have to check out down under.

Tony: Have you ever seen any poisonous snakes?

Jack: Yeah mate! They are everywhere. 

Tony: Have you ever eaten crocodile meat?

Jack: Yeah, I have tried it a few times but I’m not a bit fan.

Tony: Wow, interesting. What does it taste like?

Jack: It tastes like chicken, but it’s a little chewy.

Tony: I see. Are you into rugby?

Jack: I love it mate! I’m a huge fan of rugby.

Reference: I1L2


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