Around the House English Vocabulary and Phrases

A fun lesson for beginner ESL students to learn English grammar, common nouns for household items, prepositions of place, vocabulary, and expressions to talk about the house. Learn vocabulary and phrases to talk about the different rooms in the house and common items in the house. Get the downloadable and printable ESL worksheets, ESL printable and digital flashcards, ESL listening and reading exercises, and everything you need for a fun and effective digital and remote English lesson when you subscribe.

Warm-Up Questions – Around the House Vocabulary

  1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
  2. Describe your house.
  3. How often do you have friends to your house?

ESL Video and ESL Listening Practice to Talk about Your House

Watch the following YouTube video:

ESL Listening Questions

1. Who planted the flowers at Samantha and Tony’s house?

2. What room do they go to first?

3. Is Poppy’s room clean?

4. What is Samantha baking?

5. What do they often do in the backyard?

6. What is new in the living room?

7. What does Samantha need to do to the bathroom?

8. Which way do they turn to go to Tony’s office?

Vocabulary Bank

show you around
front yard – backyard
living room
straight (up)

Vocabulary Builder


What word(s) from the video have the opposite meaning of the words below?

  1. free
  2. down
  3. clean
  4. front yard
  5. ugly
  6. old
  7. left
  8. first of all
Around The House Vocabulary


Where do these items belong?
Match the following words with the room where they belong.

Word Bank

TV, bed, sofa, bath, plate, dresser, toothbrush, silverware,
closet, soap, coffee table, table

bedroom _________________,  _________________,  _________________

kitchen  _________________,  _________________,  _________________

living room  _________________,  _________________,  _________________

bathroom  _________________,  _________________,  _________________


Present Progressive vs. Present Simple

Complete the sentences below with the correct Present tense form.

I ____________________________ (play) the piano now. I (like) ____________________________ classical music.

He’s (go) ____________________________ to the supermarket. He (be) ____________________________ hungry.

Jack’s (swim) __________________________ now. He (swim) ____________________________ at the beach every day.

Sheila (Listen) ____________________________ to music. She (sing) ____________________________ a band.

Leslie and Coleen are  __________________________ (cook) Italian food. They (cook) ____________________________ well.

Related Vocabulary

laundry room
dining room
spare room

ESL Digital and Printable Flashcards – House Vocabulary

Use the ESL printable flashcards below to talk about rooms in a house. Check out the Pocket Passport ESL flashcard library. We have thousands to choose from.

Bedroom esl printable and digital flashcards
Kitchen Vocabulary esl printable and digital flashcards
living room esl printable and digital flashcards

ESL Conversation Around the House

Samantha: Welcome to our house Mindy. Can I show you around?

Mindy: Yes, that would be great, thanks.

Samantha: Well, this is our front yard. I love gardening. I planted all of these flowers myself.

Mindy: Wow, they are beautiful.

Samantha: Please go ahead.
Okay, this is our living room and that is our new TV!
Turn left here.
This is our kitchen.

Mindy: Mmm. Something smells delicious.

Samantha: Thank you! I’m baking a cake now.
Please turn right here.
This is Tony’s office. He’s busy every day.
This is the bathroom. I’m sorry, I really need to clean it!
Please go straight up the stairs.
This is Poppy’s room. I’m sorry. It’s always messy.
And finally, this is our backyard. We often have barbeques.

Mindy: You have a really beautiful house Samantha.

Samantha: Thanks Mindy!

ESL Gamification: ESL Digital Badges and Stamps

Motivate your students with digital badges as they complete steps and objectives. Drag-n-drop course builder includes ESL gamification.

ESL gamification Badge
ESL gamification Badge

Reference: B1L5


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