ESL Small Talk about April

April ESL Small Talk

ESL Small Talk about April is an English conversation lesson for students to learn grammar, phrases, idioms, and vocabulary for having a conversation about April and Spring Activities.

Watch the ESL video on April Fun Facts and use the ESL Printable and Digital storytelling flashcards to practice using new vocabulary and expressions. Get the ESL printable worksheets on April Small Talk, ESL printable and digital flashcards, ESL listening and reading exercises, and gamify lessons with badges and stamps.

Warm Up Questions

  1. What is your sign? Does it describe you?
  2. Do you like April? Explain.
  3. What is a sign of spring where you live?

ESL Video on A Small Talk about April

Watch the following YouTube video:

ESL Listening Questions

  1. What’s April the first full month of?
  2. How will the weather get from now?
  3. What does April start with and why does Bob think it’s a good thing?
  4. How does Yumi start to feel in April?
  5. What are some things that Yumi likes about April?
  6. What happens in England in April?
  7. Explain what the cuckoo bird is a sign of.
  8. What starts in April that Yumi is crazy about?
  9. How does she describe Aries and Taurus?
  10. What do diamonds symbolize?

Matching Vocabulary for Conversation About April Small Talk

Match the words or expressions on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. go-getter
2. ambitious
3. lighten up
4. courage
5. motivated
6. smell
7. in full effect
8. typically
9. strength
10. symbolize
a. totally, completely
b. having a strong desire to do well and succeed
c. to become aware of something through the nose
d. usually
e. to represent something
f. the ability to face difficulty, fear and danger
g. eager to succeed; try hard to succeed
h. to quality of being strong both physically and mentally
i. become more cheerful and less serious
j. having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you suffer from allergies?
  2. Is there anything that you’ll miss about winter?
  3. What’s your favorite flower?
  4. Do you get energized in the spring?
  5. What are the good and bad things about April?
  6. Describe spring weather and how it makes you feel.

ESL Printable and Digital Flashcards: April Small Talk & Spring Activities

Use the flashcards to talk about April, spring and spring activities.  

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small talk April
Gardening esl printable lessons
small talk April

ESL Conversation about April

Yumi: Yay! it’s April!
The first full month of spring.
It’s just going to get warmer and warmer from now on.
I’m so happy.

Bob: Yeah, April is pretty great, isn’t it?
I wish every month started with a day like April Fools’ Day when everyone is joking around!
People should lighten up.

Yumi: Oh, yes. April Fools’ Day again.
Seriously though, I really become motivated and energetic in April.
The weather turns nice, the smells, the birds, spring cleaning is in full effect.
People start planting flowers and gardens.
I read that in England there are lots of cuckoo festivals.
The arrival of the cuckoo bird in April is a sign that spring has arrived.
I love cuckoo birds!
Of course, the baseball season starts in April too.
And you know I’m crazy about baseball!

Bob: Well, I like April because it shares the sign Taurus with the month of May.
My birthday is in May and I’m a taurus, so … I like April too!

Yumi: I have a few friends who are born at the beginning of April who are Aries.
I think Aries are seen as ambitious leaders.
Taurus’s are typically go-getters who also take time to enjoy life, aren’t they?

Bob: Yes, I would say that describes me pretty well!

Yumi: It’s also the month of the diamond.
Everyone loves diamonds Bob!
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend you know.
Diamonds symbolize strength, power, and courage.

Bob: Well, maybe you’ll get a diamond from someone.
Wouldn’t that really make it a great month!

Reference: SPR02


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