Expressing Preferences Music and Food

Conversation About Expressing Preferences

A fun lesson for beginner ESL students to learn grammar to make comparisons, vocabulary, and expressions for having a conversation about expressing preferences. Watch the ESL video and use the ESL Printable and Digital storytelling flashcards to retell the story and practice using new vocabulary and expressions. Get the printable worksheets, ESL printable and digital flashcards, ESL listening and reading exercises, and gamify lessons with badges and stamps.

Warm Up Questions

  1. What kind of music do you like/dislike?
  2. What kinds of food do you like or dislike?
  3. Are you a picky person?

ESL Video to Talk about Food and Music Preferences

Watch the following YouTube video:

ESL Listening Questions

  1. What kind of cake is Tony eating?
  2. Did Jessica try it?
  3. Does Jessica prefer chocolate or vanilla cake?
  4. What does she prefer to drink? Why?
  5. According to Tony, why is beer better?
  6. How does wine make Jessica feel?
  7. Does Jessica like the song that is playing now? Why or why not?
  8. According to Tony, what is worse than dance music.
  9. What kind of music does Jessica like?
  10. Does Tony like jazz music? How about classic rock?

Word Bank

prefer | I prefer (vanilla) over (chocolate). | healthy | calories
refreshing | relaxed | big fan of… | I am crazy about (classic rock).
I like (vanilla) more than (chocolate). | (Wine) isn’t as (refreshing) as (beer). 


Choose the word from the Word Bank with the same meaning of the words below.

  1. feel comfortable
  2. makes you feel better
  3. like something very much
  4. like something more


Use vocabulary from the Word Bank to complete the following sentences.

  1. ____________________________ chocolate. I can’t stop eating it!
  2. The bath is so ____________________________ . It makes me feel great!
  3. He’s a ____________________________ pop music. He loves Justin Bieber.
  4. I always check how many ____________________________ everything is. I’m worried about gaining weight.
  5. I ____________________________ Indian curry over Thai curry. How about you?
  6. She lives a very ____________________________  lifestyle. She goes to the gym every day. 


Write the correct form of the word in brackets for the sentences below.

  1. _________________________________ (have) a sweet tooth is healthier than _________________________________ (smoke) cigarettes.
  2. Wine isn’t as ________________________________ (refresh) as beer.
  3. I am crazy about _________________________________ (travel) to new places.
  4. They aren’t as _________________________________ (smart) as you.
  5. I like _________________________________ (listen) to rock music more than pop music.
  6. Sam is better at _________________________________ (cook) than she is _________________________________ (bake).
  7. _________________________________  (eat) junk food is better for you than _________________________________ (drink) soda.
  8. _________________________________ (have) a sweet tooth is healthier than _________________________________ (smoke) cigarettes.

Expressing Preferences

ESL Conversation about Expressing Preferences

Tony: Did you try the chocolate cake? It’s absolutely delicious!

Jessica: Yes, I did but I prefer vanilla cake.

Tony: Really? You like vanilla more than chocolate?

Jessica: Yeah, I don’t mind chocolate, but vanilla is my favorite.

Tony: I see. What do you like to drink? Do you like wine more than beer?

Jessica: Definitely! Wine is healthier and it has fewer calories.

Tony: Maybe, but it isn’t as refreshing as beer.

Jessica: Yeah, but wine makes me feel really relaxed.

Tony: How about music? Do you like this song?

Jessica: Not at all. I’m not into dance music.

Tony: Me neither, but I like it better than rap music.

Jessica: Me too. I can’t stand rap music.

Tony: So what kind of music do you like?

Jessica: I’m a big fan of jazz. How about you?

Tony: I like jazz too, but I am crazy about classic rock.

Jessica: Yeah, classic rock isn’t bad.

ESL Conversation About Preferences

Reference: I1L8


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