What’s a Leprechaun? | Talking about St. Patrick’s Day


An ESL conversation lesson to talk about the tradition of St.Patrick’s day. What’s a leprechaun? Learn vocabulary and expressions to talk about St. Patrick’s Day and explain what a leprechaun is.

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ESL Video in St.Patrick’s Day: What’s a Leprechaun

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ESL Conversation on St.Patrick’s Day | What’s a Leprechaun?

Chuntao: I can’t believe how much everyone gets into St. Patrick’s Day. It’s really crazy!
This may be a silly question, but what exactly is a leprechaun?

Bob: Hmm… Good question.
Well, as you know, leprechauns relate to St. Patrick’s Day. 
Actually, they are probably the most popular symbol of the day.

Of course, they aren’t real.
They are fairies based on Irish legend.
They are usually short, old men with red beards.
They wear green pants, a green coat, and a big green hat.
They are shoemakers. They make and also fix shoes.

According to legend, they also have a big pot of gold.
They keep the gold in huge pots at the end of rainbows.

If you can catch one you are pretty lucky!
If you catch a leprechaun, the leprechaun must grant you 3 wishes.
After they grant you three wishes, you have to let them go.

But be careful!
Leprechauns are very tricky, so if you ever meet one, remember they cannot be trusted.
They will make problems for you, if you let them.

Chuntao: That’s interesting! I need to catch one so I can have three wishes.

Bob: If you caught a leprechaun Chuntao, what would you wish for? 

ESL Listening Questions | What’s a Leprechaun?

  1. What is Chuntao surprised by?
  2. According to Bob, what is the most popular symbol of St. Patrick’s Day?
  3. What are leprechauns?
  4. What do leprechauns look like?
  5. What do leprechauns usually wear?
  6. What do leprechauns do for a living?
  7. According to legend, where do leprechauns keep huge pots of gold?
  8. What must a leprechaun do if you catch it?

Vocabulary & Expressions for St.Patrick’s Day

Match the words and expressions on the left with their meaning on the right.

1. tricky
2. legend
3. silly
4. symbol
5. to get into something
6. trust
7. fix
8. grant
a. something that can’t be taken seriously
b. to be very interested in and participate in something
c. likely to do dishonest things
d. to repair
e. believe; believe in the truth of
f. a very old story that is not always true
g. agree to give or allow
h. something used to represent something

Leprechaun esl printable flashcards

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Reference: WE25


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