Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Routines

Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Routines

Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Routines is an ESL lesson to learn English idioms, phrases, past simple, vocabulary, and phrases for having conversations about everyday routines.

Watch the ESL video about past simple verbs for everyday routines ESL conversation and practice using new vocabulary and phrases. Get the ESL printable worksheets on Everyday Routines, ESL printable and digital flashcards, ESL listening and reading exercises, and gamify lessons with badges and stamps.

ESL Video on Everyday Routines

This lesson is based on the YouTube video:

Warm Up Questions

  1. What time did you wake up today?
  2. Did you hit the snooze button on your alarm?
  3. Do you have any pets? Did you feed them and take them for a walk?
  4. How did you get to school/work today?
  5. What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Vocabulary Bank

take x 3 | walk | wake up | finish x 2 | go | wash | play
lose | have | is | leave | get up | catch up | read
drink x 2 | come | brush | cook | feed | dry | make | shave | hit

Part A – Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Routines

Gap Fill

Complete the following sentences with the words in the vocabulary box. Watch the video to check your answers.

Frank: Yesterday I ______________1 at 5am. I ______________2 the snooze button once. I ______________3 at about 5:10. I ______________ 4 my teeth.

Mandy: It ______________5 my day off, and I was planning on sleeping in, but I got up about 5 minutes after Frank.

Frank: When I ______________6 brushing my teeth, I ______________7 to the kitchen and I ______________8 my cat “Fafa” and my dog “Pooch”.
Then I let Fafa outside.

Mandy: And I ______________9 Pooch for a walk around the block. He was really playful, so I ______________10 fetch with him in the park.

Frank: I ______________11 my morning coffee and checked out the news on the internet.

Mandy: When I ______________12 from the park, I ______________ 13 my morning tea and I ______________14 my book.I
______________15 a healthy breakfast. I ______________16 yogurt and some fresh fruit.

Part B

Frank: I had bacon and eggs for breakfast. I usually eat boiled eggs and toast, but since it was Mandy’s day off, she ______________17 for me.
I ______________18 on all of the sports news and drank some apple juice. My favorite baseball team ______________19 yesterday. What a bummer!

Mandy: After we ______________20 breakfast, I ______________21 the dishes …

Frank: and I ______________22the dishes.
Then I ______________23 a quick shower. I ______________24 and I dried my hair.
I ______________25 the house at 6:30. I ______________26 the train to work, so I ______________27 to the station. The train station is about a 20-minute walk from our house. It took about one hour and ten minutes to get to work from my house. The train was really packed. There were a lot of people and it was really hot. I can’t stand taking the train to work. 

Listening Questions

  1. What time did Frank wake up yesterday?
  2. What time did Frank get up yesterday?
  3. Did Mandy get up at the same time as Frank? What time did she get up?
  4. Why was Mandy planning on sleeping in yesterday?
  5. What did Frank do after he finished brushing his teeth?
  6. Where did Mandy go with Pooch?
  7. What did Frank do while having his morning coffee?
  8. What did Mandy do when she came back from the park?
  9. Did Mandy have bacon and eggs for breakfast? What did Mandy have for breakfast?
  10. What did Frank have for breakfast?
  11. What does Frank usually eat for breakfast?
  12. Why did Frank have bacon and eggs for breakfast?
  13. What did Frank do while drinking apple juice?
  14. How did his team do yesterday?
  15. What did Frank and Mandy do after they finished breakfast?
  16. What did Frank do after he dried the dishes?
  17. Did Frank leave the house at 6:00? What time did Frank leave the house?
  18. How far of a walk is the train station from his house?
  19. How long did it take Frank to get to work from his house?
  20. Does Frank like to take the train to work? Why?

Discussion Questions

  1. How long did it take you to get to work/school today/yesterday?
  2. What mode of transportation do you use to get to work/school?
  3. How often do you sleep in?
  4. When was the last time that you slept in?
  5. What’s your favorite sport? Who is your favorite player/team?
  6. What chores do you do around the house?
  7. Do you prefer coffee or tea? What did you have this morning?
  8. Did you read the news on the internet this morning?
  9. Did you check social media this morning? 
  10. Do you like to take the train? Why or why not?
  11. How do you get around? (car, bicycle, train, subway, etc.)
  12. Do you always eat breakfast? Why or why not?

ESL Printable and Digital Flashcards to Talk about the Past

Use the following flashcards to talk about what you did this morning and yesterday

Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Morning Routines
brush esl printable flashcards
Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Routines
shave esl printable flashcards
Past Simple Verbs for Getting Ready Everyday Routines
Everyday Routines

Grammar Part A

Conjugate the following verbs into the past simple.

brush my teeth   get up play 
catch up   go read 
come   have shave 
cook   hit take 
drink   is wake up 
dry   leave walk 
feed   lose wash 
finish make   

Part B – Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Routines

Vocabulary Bank

drive | water | stand up | put on x 2 | take x 2 | make | order | go | arrive
give | do | break down | prepare | clean | choose | try | stop by | check
doze off | clap | reply | leave | get up | paint | wash | call | take a nap
sign | do | work up a sweat | buy | have | pick up | get back

Gap Fill

Complete the following sentences with the words in the vocabulary box. Watch the video to check your answers.

Actually, I usually drive to work. I ______________1 the train to work because my car ______________2. I ______________3 the mechanic but he’s really busy this week. He can’t fix my car until the weekend, so I have to take the train to work for the next few days.

I ______________4 to work at around 7:40.

I ______________5 some phone calls. I ______________6 my email and ______________7 to some messages.
I ______________8 a meeting with my boss. He was in a good mood yesterday, so everyone was happy.
I ______________9 a presentation to my colleagues. Everyone loved it. They ______________10 and ______________11.
I ______________12 a report, and I ______________13 some important contracts.

Part B

Mandy: Today was my day off. I’m a nurse so I have an irregular schedule. I work at a big hospital.
Today I ______________14 to take it easy. I ______________15 as soon as Frank ______________16 the house.
I ______________17 and I ______________18 my nails. I ______________19 my face, and then I ______________20 my makeup.
I ______________21 some perfume.
I ______________22 to the supermarket and ______________23 some food for dinner. I ______________24 salmon, vegetables and some fresh fruit.

I ______________25 the bakery on the way home. I ______________26 a cheesecake for dessert. It’s Frank’s favorite!
I ______________27 from shopping and I ______________28 for forty-five minutes. I really ______________29. It was a great workout.
I ______________30 the living room. I ________ some ______________31. I ______________32 the flowers. Then I ______________33 for about 30 minutes while watching TV.
I ______________34 for lunch. I ______________35 fast food because I was in a hurry – since I __________36 little snooze. I ______________37 a burger – hold the onions, some fries and a drink. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t so good either. Next time I’ll eat something healthier.

Part B Listening Questions

  1. Why did Frank drive to work?
  2. When can the mechanic fix his car?
  3. Why can’t the mechanic fix his car now?
  4. How will he get to work for the next few days?
  5. What time did he arrive to work?
  6. What kinds of tasks did he do at work?
  7. Why were all of his co-workers happy?
  8. What did his colleagues think of his presentation?
  9. What did Mandy do as soon as Frank left the house?
  10. Where did Mandy go after she got up from her nap?
  11. How did she get to the supermarket?
  12. What did she but at the supermarket?
  13. Where did she go on her way home from the supermarket?
  14. What did she get at the bakery?
  15. How long did she do yoga for?
  16. What kind of housework did she do?
  17. What did she do after doing some housework?
  18. Where did she go after her nap?
  19. Why did she choose fast food?
  20. What did she order?

ESL Printable and Digital Flashcards to Talk about the Past

Use the following flashcards to talk about what you did this morning and yesterday.

Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Cooking Routines
Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Eating Routines
Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Shopping Routines
Cooking Food
Everyday Routines
Food In Oven


Discussion Questions

  1. What was the last meal that you cooked? How did it taste?
  2. What did you buy at the supermarket the last time you went shopping?
  3. Do you often buy things from the bakery? What did you buy the last time you went?
  4. What did you drink for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
  5. What kind of exercise do you like to do?

Grammar Part B

Conjugate the following verbs into the past simple.

arrive   doze off reply 
buy   drive sign 
break down   get back stand up 
call   give stop by 
clap   order take a nap 
check   paint try 
choose   pick up water 
clean   prepare work up a sweat 
do   put on   

Part C – Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Routines

Vocabulary Bank

turn off | turn on | fall asleep | have x 2 | sleep | go x 3 | work
take | work out | drink x 2 | wake up | come | sauté | prepare
grill | clean up | do | listen | lift | surprise | read | make | is | eat
arrive | work overtime

Gap Fill

Complete the following sentences with the words in the vocabulary box. Watch the video to check your answers.

Frank: I ______________1 lunch with my co-workers. We often go to a small family restaurant together, but yesterday we ______________2to a nice Italian restaurant.

It was kind of far from our office. It ______________3 expensive, but the food was amazing. I had a cheese and pepperoni pizza. It ______________4 with salad, soup and all you can eat bread.
It was quite a lot of food and I was stuffed. The staff was very friendly. I’ll take Mandy there next weekend.

I usually finish work at 6:00, but yesterday I ______________5 to work overtime. I ______________6 until about 7:30. I was super tired.

I ______________7 to the gym on my way home from work. I ______________8 some pushups, and some sit ups. I ______________9 some heavy weights … well … not really … I lied … I was too tired from working overtime, so I didn’t have any energy. I only ______________10 for about 30 minutes.

Part B

Mandy: I ______________11 a salad, ______________12 some salmon and ______________13 some vegetables. Frank ______________14 so I knew he would be really happy that I got him cheesecake.

Frank: I ______________15 home at about 9:15.

Mandy ______________16 a huge dinner. I didn’t think I would be hungry, since it was kind of late and I had a big lunch, but she’s such a great cook. I ______________17 everything!
We ______________18 to some jazz music while eating dinner. It was a wonderful meal.

Mandy: We ______________19 some red wine with dinner, and then of course I ______________20 Frank with the cheesecake!

Frank: Mandy got me my favorite cheesecake for dessert. What a great surprise it was after such a long day at work.
After dinner, I ______________21. I ______________22 the TV, but there was nothing good to watch, so I ______________ it ________23.
Then I ______________24 for about twenty minutes on the sofa. Actually, I ______________25 while reading. Mandy ___________ me __________26.

Mandy: I ______________27 a hot bath. I ______________28 a cup of tea.

Frank: I jumped in the shower and then put on my comfy pajamas. Mandy gave them to me for my birthday.
And then we ______________29 to bed around midnight.
I ______________30 well because I was so exhausted from work.

Mandy: I didn’t sleep so well because Frank was snoring loudly all night. I’m really tired today. It’s going to be a long day at work.

Part C Listening Questions

  1. Who did Frank have lunch with?
  2. Where do they often go for lunch together?
  3. Where did they go for lunch together yesterday?
  4. What did Frank have?
  5. Was Frank satisfied with the restaurant?
  6. What time does Frank usually finish work?
  7. Why did he work until 7:30 yesterday?
  8. How did Frank feel after work yesterday?
  9. Where did Frank go on his way home from work?
  10. What did Frank do at the gym?
  11. How long did he work out for?
  12. What did Mandy prepare for dinner?
  13. What time did Frank arrive home?
  14. Why didn’t Frank think he’d be hungry?
  15. What did Mandy surprise Frank with?
  16. What did Frank do after dinner?
  17. How long did Frank read for?
  18. What happened while Frank was reading?
  19. Where and when did Frank get his comfy pajamas?
  20. Why did Frank sleep so well?
  21. What time did they go to bed?
  22. Why is Mandy so tired today?

Discussion Questions

  1. What did you have for lunch?
  2. Do you usually go out to eat or make your own lunch?
  3. What’s your favorite place to go for lunch?
  4. What was the last restaurant that you went for lunch?
  5. How was it? How was the service? Was it expensive?
  6. Do you go to the gym? When was the last time you went to the gym?
  7. Do you have a sweet tooth? What’s your favorite dessert?
  8. Did you make your own dinner last night? Who made dinner last night?
  9. Do you like to read? What was the last book that you read?
  10. What time do you usually go to bed? What time did you go to bed last night?

ESL Printable and Digital Flashcards to Talk about the Past

Use the following flashcards to talk about what you did this morning and yesterday.

Conversation About Travel Problems
Office Routine esl printable flashcards
Gardening esl printable flashcards
Wash car esl printable flashcards
Adverbs of Manner - Office English
Call esl printable flashcards
vacuum esl printable flashcards
Gardening esl printable flashcards
Drive esl printable flashcards
Write esl printable flashcards
Talking About Everyday Routines
Daily Routines ESL printable flashcards

Grammar Part C

Conjugate the following verbs into the past simple.

clean up   surprise 
eat   turn off 
fall asleep   turn on 
grill   work 
lift   work out 
listen   work overtime 
sauté sleep 

Listening Transcripts

Part A

Frank: Yesterday I woke up at 5am. I hit the snooze button once. I got up at about 5:10. I brushed my teeth.

Mandy: It was my day off, and I was planning on sleeping in, but I got up about 5 minutes after Frank.

Frank: When I finished brushing my teeth, I went to the kitchen and I fed my cat “Fafa” and my dog “Pooch”.
Then I let Fafa outside.

Mandy: And I took Pooch for a walk around the block. He was really playful, so I played fetch with him in the park.

Frank: I had my morning coffee and checked out the news on the internet.

Mandy: When I came back from the park, I drank my morning tea and I read my book.

What did Mandy drink? What did Frank drink?

I made a healthy breakfast. I had yogurt and some fresh fruit.

Frank: I had bacon and eggs for breakfast. I usually eat boiled eggs and toast, but since it was Mandy’s day off, she cooked for me.

I caught up on all of the sports news and drank some apple juice. My favorite baseball team lost yesterday. What a bummer!

Mandy: After we finished breakfast, I washed the dishes …

Frank: and I dried the dishes.

Then I took a quick shower. I shaved and I dried my hair.

I left the house at 6:30. I took the train to work, so I walked to the station. The train station is about a 20-minute walk from our house. It took about one hour and ten minutes to get to work from my house. The train was really packed. There were a lot of people and it was really hot. I can’t stand taking the train to work. 

Part B

Actually, I usually drive to work. I took the train to work because my car broke down. I called the mechanic but he’s really busy this week. He can’t fix my car until the weekend, so I have to take the train to work for the next few days.

I arrived to work at around 7:40.

I made some phone calls. I checked my email and replied to some messages.
I had a meeting with my boss. He was in a good mood yesterday, so everyone was happy.
I gave a presentation to my colleagues. Everyone loved it. They stood up and clapped.
I prepared a report, and I signed some important contracts.

Who did he have a meeting with?

Mandy: Today was my day off. I’m a nurse so I have an irregular schedule. I work at a big hospital.
Today I tried to take it easy. I took a nap as soon as Frank left the house.
I got up and I painted my nails. I washed my face, and then I put on my makeup.
I put on some perfume.
I drove to the supermarket and got some food for dinner. I bought salmon, vegetables and some fresh fruit.
I stopped by the bakery on the way home. I picked up a cheesecake for dessert. It’s Frank’s favorite!
I got back from shopping and I did yoga for forty-five minutes. I really worked up a sweat. It was a great workout.
I cleaned the living room. I did some laundry. I watered the flowers. Then I dozed off for about 30 minutes while watching TV.
I went for lunch. I chose fast food because I was in a hurry – since I took a little snooze. I ordered a burger – hold the onions, some fries and a drink. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t so good either. Next time I’ll eat something healthier.

Part C

Frank: I had lunch with my co-workers. We often go to a small family restaurant together, but yesterday we went to a nice Italian restaurant.

It was kind of far from our office. It was expensive, but the food was amazing. I had a cheese and pepperoni pizza. It came with salad, soup and all you can eat bread. It was quite a lot of food and I was stuffed. The staff was very friendly. I’ll take Mandy there next weekend.

I usually finish work at 6:00, but yesterday I had to work overtime. I worked until about 7:30. I was super tired.

I went to the gym on my way home from work. I did some pushups, and some sit ups. I lifted some heavy weights … well … not really … I lied … I was too tired from working overtime, so I didn’t have any energy. I only worked out for about 30 minutes.

Mandy: I prepared a salad, grilled some salmon and sautéed some vegetables. Frank worked overtime so I knew he would be really happy that I got him cheesecake.

Part B

Frank: I arrived home at about 9:15.
Mandy made a huge dinner. I didn’t think I would be hungry, since it was kind of late and I had a big lunch, but she’s such a great cook. I ate everything!
We listened to some jazz music while eating dinner. It was a wonderful meal.

What did they listen to?

Mandy: We drank some red wine with dinner, and then of course I surprised Frank with the cheesecake!

Frank: Mandy got me my favorite cheesecake for dessert. What a great surprise it was after such a long day at work.
After dinner, I cleaned up. I turned on the TV, but there was nothing good to watch, so I turned it off.
Then I read for about twenty minutes on the sofa. Actually, I fell asleep while reading. Mandy woke me up.

Mandy: I took a hot bath. I drank a cup of tea.

Frank: I jumped in the shower and then put on my comfy pajamas. Mandy gave them to me for my birthday.
And then we went to bed around midnight.

I slept well because I was so exhausted from work.

Mandy: I didn’t sleep so well because Frank was snoring loudly all night. I’m really tired today. It’s going to be a long day at work.

Reference: BE23


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