Small Talk ESL Lesson

In this intermediate-level ESL lesson, you will learn grammar, vocabulary, and phrases to talk about everyday English topics: an English conversation lesson in about tips for small talk which you will learn what you should and shouldn’t talk about when making small talk.

This ESL lesson also comes with a downloadable PDF you can access when you are a member of Pocket Passport.

This ESL video lesson for daily English will help ESL students learn vocabulary, grammar, improve listening and be confident English speakers.

Practical English for everyday situations.

Do's And Don'ts of Small Talk

ESL Questions on Small Talk


What are three things that you feel comfortable and confident talking about?


What three things don’t you feel comfortable or confident talking about?


Have you ever stuck your foot in your mouth? – Google the meaning if you do not know.


Do taboo topics differ according to countries?


Do you think you make a good first impression on people?


What things are most important for making a positive first impression?

Watch, Read or Listen

ESL Video on Small Talk Tips

Watch the following ESL YouTube video lesson about small talk.

ESL Listening Practice Small Talk

Watch the YouTube video and answer the following ESL listening questions on Small Talk Tips.

Do's And Don'ts


What is happening next week?


According to Antonio, what should you do when meeting people?


What are good topics to talk about when meeting people for the first time?


What should you avoid talking about?


How might people feel when talking about politics, religion, and money?


What kind of conversations dry up quickly?


What is a good way to build long lasting relationships?


How can you show interest in what the other person is saying?

ESL Speaking Activity

Use the illustrations to talk about small talk topics, culture, and taboos.

Small Talk

Small Talk ESL

Small Talk ESL Lesson

ESL Vocabulary to Talk for Making Small Talk

Word Bank

avoid | client | in common | connection | conversation
discuss | important | impression | show interest
interested in | long-lasting | mention | nervous | politely
politics | potential | relationship | religion | stick to
dry up | taboo | tend to | topic | uncomfortable


Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. impression (n)

A. someone who gets services or advice from a professional person

2. avoid (n)

B. likely to happen; to usually do something

3. long-lasting (adj)

C. general feeling or opinion without knowing much

4. nervous (adj)

D. to continue doing, using, or talking about something

5. taboo (n)

E. something that is avoided or forbidden for religious or social reasons

6. tend to (v)

F. continuing or existing for a long period of time

7. stick to (phr. v)

G. to stop talking

8. in common (phr)

H. having or showing feelings of worry, fear, or anxiety

9. client (n)

I. to stay away from someone or something

10. dry up (phr. v)

J. to share the same interests

Small Talk

ESL Discussion

Discuss the following quotes.

Small Talk ESL Lesson

“I hate having small talk. I’d rather talk about deep subjects. I’d rather talk about meditation, or the world or the trees or animals, than small, inane, you know, banter.”

“If your interviewer makes small talk with you, then be chatty back.”

“That’s all small talk is – a quick way to connect on a human level – which is why it is by no means as irrelevant as the people who are bad at it insist. In short, it’s worth making the effort.”

“I love it when someone starts a conversation – romantic, platonic, small talk – as long as it’s related to food.”

“I don’t like small talk.
Talk to me about life.
Talk to me about your scars and the concealer you call your smile.
Talk to me about the story behind your favorite song.
Tell me about your dreams that sometimes seem too big to contain.
Tell me what wakes you up in the morning before your alarm clock does.
Tell me about what makes shivers run down your spine.
Tell me about what makes your eyes light up like the stars I can’t see in New York City.
Tell me your story.”

“I never really know the protocol for this kind of situation. It’s like when you’re in line at a store, and a grandma starts telling you all about her grandchildren or her arthritis, and you smile and nod along. But then it’s your turn to check out, so you’re just like okay, well, goodbye forever.”

“All too often the compliment we have just been paid is merely a repayment for the compliment we have just paid.”


In Your Own Words

Explain what the word or phrase in bold means and give an example.

Example: She was exhausted because she worked until midnight.
Meaning: very tired - I’m exhausted because I stayed up and studied all night.



We will be meeting with colleagues and potential clients from all over the world.

Meaning /


Please make sure to speak to them politely and show interest in what they say.

Meaning /


Please avoid talking about taboo subjects such as politics, religion, and money.

Meaning /


Finding things in common is a great way to build long-lasting connections.

Meaning /


Please also remember that one-sentence conversations tend to dry up quickly.

Meaning /

Talking ESL Lesson


Start short conversations with your partner about each of the following topics.

  1. Your location or venue
  2. Shows, movies, plays, etc.
  3. Art
  4. Food, restaurants, or cooking
  5. Their hobbies
  6. Their professional interests and responsibilities
  7. Sports
  8. The climate
  9. Travel
  10. Their local favorites

Make a list of follow-up questions for each topic.

Missing Words

Watch the video or listen to the audio again and complete the sentences.

Shake Hands

Dear all,

We hope you are looking forward to the big _________________ 1 next week.
As we will be meeting with colleagues and __________________ 2 clients from all over the world, it is important that we make a good ______________ 3. When you are meeting people, please make sure to speak to them politely and _____________________ 4 in what they say.

When meeting people for the first time, please stick to “safe” topics such as the weather, interests, and work. Please avoid talking about ________________ 5 subjects such as politics, religion, and money. People often feel uncomfortable discussing these topics, so they are best _________________ 6 the first time you meet somebody.

Finding things ___________________ 7 is a great way to build long-lasting connections, so please make sure to speak up when somebody mentions something you are interested in. We have had many great business relationships start this way in the past.

Please also remember that one-sentence conversations tend to ______________ 8 quickly, so use questions to show interest in what the other person is saying. If you feel _______________ 9 about speaking English, asking questions will mean that the other person does most of the talking.
We hope you will join us in making this year’s conference the ____________10.

Best regards,

Antonio Rodriquez


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