How to Talk About Things That Annoy You | Talking about Pet Peeves

Talk About Things That Annoy You

A fun lesson for ESL students to learn English grammar and the present perfect and present simple, vocabulary, and expressions to talk about things that annoy you. Watch the ESL video about Pet Peeves (pet hates) or things that annoy you (whichever you choose to call them!) Use the ESL Printable and Digital storytelling flashcards to retell the story and practice using new vocabulary and expressions. Get the downloadable and printable worksheets, ESL printable and digital flashcards, listening and reading exercises, and everything you need for the perfect digital and remote English lesson when you subscribe.

ESL Video and ESL Listening Practice to Talk about Pet Peeves

Watch the following video:

ESL Conversation Talking About Things That Annoy You

Tony: Hey Sam, can I give you a hand?

Samantha: Great timing Tony! You always ask me just as I’m about to finish.

Tony: I was playing with the kids and I didn’t know that you were out here.

Samantha: Have you done anything that I asked you?
Have you cleaned the toys in the living room?
Have you taken your suits to the drycleaners?
Have you picked up the stuff that I asked you to get from the grocery store?
Have you taken out the garbage?
Have you…

Tony: Not yet Sam. I’ll get to it after I have something to eat. What’s eating you up? Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder?

Samantha: It really drives me crazy when you just sit around all day on your day off.

Tony: Sam, can you please stop nagging me? I have been working hard all week and I just wanted to take it easy a bit on my day off.

Samantha: Sorry, I’m just having a bad day. I think I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. 

Tony: Well, don’t take it out on me. It isn’t my fault. I’ll make sure everything is spotless. Actually, why don’t I make you lunch?

Samantha: That’s so sweet of you. Yes, that would be wonderful. Can you make something for the kids too?

Tony: Absolutely! Why don’t you go inside and take a nap while I’m getting lunch ready?

Samantha: Wow, that sounds fantastic! Thanks for cheering me up Tony.  You just made my day.

ESL Listening Questions on Things that Annoy you

  1. What does, “give you a hand” mean?
  2. How does Samantha react to Tony?
  3. Why didn’t Tony know that Samantha was outside?
  4. When will Tony take care of the things that Samantha asked him to do?
  5. What does the expression, “eating you up” mean?
  6. What does the expression, “have a chip on your shoulder” mean?
  7. What drives Samantha crazy?
  8. What does, “nag” mean?
  9. What does Tony want to do on his day off?
  10. What does the expression, “to wake up on the wrong side of the bed” mean?
  11. What does Tony offer to do for Samantha?
  12. What did Tony’s offer do for Samantha in the end?

Matching – Vocabulary to Talk About Things That Annoy You

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. drive (one) crazy
2. nap
3. nag
4. take it easy
5. fault
6. chip on (one’s) shoulder
7. spotless
8. a bit
a. a short sleep and rest
b. responsible for not doing something right
c. a little
d. to have an angry or unpleasant attitude because of something that happened
e. relax
f. extremely clean
g. to keep asking someone to do something that they haven’t done yet
h. to make someone upset or annoyed

ESL Printable and Digital Flashcards

Use the following flashcards to talk about things that annoy you.

Talk About Food - esl printable and digital flashcards
crowded train - esl printable and digital flashcards

ESL Gamification

Badges and stamps are a powerful way to motivate your students. Gamify your ESL lessons with digital stamps and badges. Choose from hundreds of badges and stamps.

Digital Badge - esl gamification - esl digital badges and stamps

Reference: I1L20


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