Everyday Activities Using the Present Continous

Everyday Activities

A fun lesson for beginner ESL students to talk about everyday activities using the present continuous. Watch the ESL video about common everyday activities using the present continuous. Use the ESL Printable and Digital storytelling flashcards to retell the story and practice using new vocabulary and expressions with the present continuous. Get the downloadable worksheets, ESL printable and digital flashcards, ESL listening and reading exercises, and gamify your ESL lessons with badges and stamps.

Warm Up Talking about Everyday Activities Using the Present Continuous

  1. What do you do every morning?
  2. What do you usually do when you get home from work?
  3. What do you do every day at work?
  4. What do you usually do on the weekend?
  5. What are you doing now?

talking about everyday activities

ESL Listening – Talking about everyday activities using the present continuous

Watch the following YouTube video:

ESL Questions about Everyday Activities using the Present Continuous

1. What is Tony reading?

2. Where is Samantha now?

3. What is Philip doing?

4. Who is Fluffy?

5. What is Samantha going to do after shopping?

6. What is junior doing?

7. What is Samantha going to buy at the store?

8. What is Poppy doing?

9. What does Samantha ask Tony to do?

Vocabulary Bank

grocery store
sounds good
practice (violin)
watch TV
take care of (the kids)

ESL Printable & Digital Flashcards: What you are Doing Now?

Use the following ESL printable flashcards to talk about what you are doing now. Practice making sentences using positive, negative and interrogative forms.

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talking about everyday laundry activities
Talk About Everyday Activities
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What is another word or expression with the same or similar meaning of the words below?

  1. it’s okay   ____________________________
  2. food        ____________________________
  3. purchase ____________________________


What is the opposite of the words below?

  1. buy    ____________________________
  2. good ____________________________
  3. after  ____________________________

Fill-in-the-blanks: Everyday Activities using the Present Continuous

Finish the sentences below using the following vocabulary: buy, eat, read, relax, watch, sing, listen to, practice

  1. ______________________ TV.
  2. ___________________________ a book.
  3. ___________________________ music.
  4. ___________________________ at home.
  5. ___________________________ violin.
  6. ___________________________ karaoke.
  7. ___________________________ groceries at the store.
  8. ___________________________ lunch.

Write the correct form of the present tense in the blanks. 

  1. She ___________________________ (listen) to music every day.
  2. We are ___________________________ (watch) TV right now.
  3. Sally and Tony are ___________________________ (work) today.
  4. I ___________________________  (work) every day.
  5. Mandy ___________________________ (sleep) late every day.
  6. She is ___________________________ (wash) the floors.
  7. They are ___________________________ (go) to the movies from now.
  8. Bob ___________________________ (eat) fruit every day.

Yoga esl printable flashcards

ESL Conversation about Everyday Activities using the Present Continuous

Tony: Hi Samantha!

Samantha: Hi Tony! What are you doing?

Tony: I’m reading the newspaper. How about you?

Samantha: I’m shopping at the grocery store.

Tony: What are you going to buy?

Samantha: I’m going to buy some groceries for dinner.

Tony: I see. Sounds good.

Samantha: What is Poppy doing? 

Tony: She is practicing violin in her room.

Samantha: What is Philip doing?

Tony: He’s playing with Fluffy.

Samantha: How about Junior? What is he doing?

Tony: Junior’s with me. He’s watching TV and singing.

Samantha: I see. Hey, after shopping I’m going to meet Janet for a coffee.

Tony: Okay, no problem Sam.

Samantha: Please take care of the kids.

ESL Gamification to Motivate and Inspire Students

Foster continuous learning with gamification. Choose from hundreds of ESL digital badges and stamps to gamify lessons and motivate students.

Digital Badge ESL gamification

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