Talking About Interests

In this intermediate-level ESL lesson, you will learn grammar, vocabulary, and phrases to talk about everyday English topics: an English conversation lesson to talk about interests.

This ESL lesson also comes with a downloadable PDF you can access when you are a member of Pocket Passport.

This ESL video lesson for daily English will help ESL students learn vocabulary, grammar, improve listening and be confident English speakers.

Practical English for everyday situations.

Talking About Interests

ESL Discussion Questions


Do you like to try new things? Are you adventurous?


Do you give up easily or are you persistent and determined?


Have you continued to be interested in anything from when you were a child?


What would you like to take up but haven’t yet?


How does your hobby or interest make you feel?


Is there anything that you wish you’d stuck with and not given up on?

Watch, Read or Listen

ESL Video Talking About Interests

Watch the following ESL YouTube video lesson to talk about interests.

Listening Questions

Watch the YouTube video and answer the following listening questions to talk about interests.


When did Gavin start surfing?


Why did Gavin always want to become a surfer?


Where did Gavin first try surfing?


How was his first experience surfing?


Why did Gavin decide to keep practicing?


Why does Gavin travel around the world?


What is his favorite thing about surfing?


How long will Gavin continue to surf?

Speaking Activity on Interests

Use the illustrations to talk about the passage.

Talk About Surfing

Surfing As Hobby


Talking About Your Hobbies

Earth Globe

Word Bank

Word Bank

chase | continue | entire | expect | give up | fall
freedom | frequently | into (something) | keep
mouthful | nowadays | part | pull aside | quit | salty
spend | swallow | on the verge of | wave


Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

How I Started Surfing

1. frequently (adv)

A. very close to experiencing something

2. pull aside (phr. v)

B. at the present time; recently

3. nowadays (adv)

C. to stop trying to do something before you have finished

4. on the verge of (idiom)

D. to really like and be interested in

5. expect (v)

E. to pass food, water, etc. from your mouth to your stomach

6. to be into [something] (idiom)

F. to think or believe something will happen

7. entire (adj)

G. to go after someone or something that you want

8. swallow (v)

H. all of something; with no part left out

9. chase (v)

I. regularly or habitually; often

10. give up (phr. v)

J. to take someone away from a group of people for a private conversation

Talking About Interests & Hobbies

ESL Discussion Hobbies

Discuss the following quotes about hobbies and interests.


“Surround yourself with what you love, whether it’s family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever.”

“You can’t have everything you want, but you can have the things that really matter to you.”

“Hobbies are great distractions from the worries and troubles that plague daily living.”

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”

“My hobby is my job. It’s a jobby!”

“Engage in tasks and hobbies that bring you joy, like reading a book or going for a run.”


Ask your partner about their interests.

Old Man
  1. When did they start?
  2. How/why did they start?
  3. How often do they do it?
  4. Did they ever want to give up?
  5. What’s their favorite thing about their hobby/interest?

In Your Own Words

Explain what the word or phrase in bold means and give an example.

Example: She was exhausted because she worked until midnight.
Meaning: very tired - I’m exhausted because I stayed up and studied all night.


Gavin always wanted to be able to surf so that they could spend time together.

Meaning /


It was much harder than he had expected.

Meaning /


Gavin decided not to give up and kept practicing.

Meaning /


His favorite thing about surfing is the feeling of freedom.

Meaning /


Gavin plans to continue surfing even when he is old and grey.

Meaning /

Missing Words

Watch the video again and complete the sentences.

Talking About Hobbies

Gavin always wanted to be able to _________ 1 so that they could spend time together.
The first time he tried surfing was when he was six when he was on a __________________ 2 in Hawaii. He had been looking forward to it for the ________________ 3 trip but found it much harder than he had expected. He fell time and time again, often ___________________ 4 mouthfuls of salty seawater when he did.
He was __________________ 5 quitting when his dad pulled him aside and told him that it had been difficult for him when he was a kid too. Gavin decided not to give up and ________________________ 6.
Nowadays, Gavin is an even better surfer than his dad was. He _______________ 7 travels to different parts of the world to ______________ 8 bigger and bigger waves. His favorite thing about surfing is the feeling of ____________________ 9 when he’s out on the water. He feels like his everyday worries and problems don’t seem so bad when he is riding a wave under a beautiful sunny sky.
Gavin plans to _________________ 10 surfing even when he is old and grey.


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