Talking about the Past with Used To

Talking about the Past

A fun lesson for beginner ESL students to learn vocabulary and expressions for talking about the past. Watch the ESL video about ‘Used To’ and use the ESL Printable and Digital storytelling flashcards to practice using new vocabulary and expressions. Get the downloadable worksheets, ESL printable and digital flashcards, ESL listening and reading exercises with badges and stamps.

ESL Video and ESL Listening Practice to Talk about the Past using ‘Used to’

Watch the following YouTube video:

ESL Conversation #1 About What you ‘Used to’ do/like

Mindy: Let’s order a pizza!

Frank: Oh, that sounds good. What do you want to get on it?

Mindy: Let’s get double cheese, pepperoni and mushrooms.

Frank: Oh, no! No mushrooms. I’m not a big fan of mushrooms. I used to like them, but I got really sick one time. I think it was the mushrooms because that’s all I could taste. So now, I never eat mushrooms!

Mindy: Ah, I see! I had a similar experience. I used to love shrimp, but I got sick one time and now I can’t stand the smell or look of it!

ESL Questions Part 1 – Talking About The Past

  1. What does Mindy want to order?
  2. What does she want to get on the pizza?
  3. Why doesn’t he want to get mushrooms on the pizza?
  4. Why did she have a similar experience with?
  5. How does Mindy feel about shrimp now?

ESL Matching Vocabulary to talk about things you ‘used to’ do

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. sick
2. a fan of
3. taste
4. similar
a. to like something
b. flavor in your mouth
c. not physically feeling well
d. having a likeness; alike

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you have any food allergies?
  2. Have you ever gotten sick from eating something?
  3. Do you like pizza and shrimp?

Which child were you?

used to
Child Past used to

ESL Conversation #2 About What you ‘Used to’ do/like

Mindy: (Cat meows) Oh I need to feed Fafa!

Frank: She’s so cute. I used to have a cat, but she passed away a couple of years ago.

Mindy: You should get another one. They are just so great to have around. I used to have a dog and a cat, but my dog Meggie passed away a few years ago. It’s so sad to lose a pet. They really are a part of the family, aren’t they?

Frank: They sure are.

ESL Listening Questions Part 2 – Talking About The Past

  1. What does Mindy need to do?
  2. What did Frank used to have?
  3. What happened to his cat?
  4. When did Frank’s cat pass away?
  5. What did Mindy used to have?

ESL Matching Vocabulary to talk about things you ‘used to’ do

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. pass away
2. to have around
3. lose a pet
4. few
a. when a pet passes away
b. three or four
c. to die
d. to have near you; in your company

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you have any pets? 
  2. What animals make good pets?
  3. How would you describe cats? Dogs?

Running Child

ESL Conversation #3 About What you ‘Used to’ do/like

Frank: That was such a great game. I miss playing football. I used to play three times a week.

Jeff: Really? Wow, I was never any good at football. I’ve never really been into sports much. When I was younger, I used to play the guitar.

Frank: Oh, I wish I could play an instrument. I used to take piano lessons, but I gave up. I was never any good at it.

ESL Questions Part 3 – Talking About The Past

  1. What does Frank miss doing?
  2. How many times did Frank used to play football?
  3. What was Jeff into when he was younger?
  4. Why did Frank give up playing the guitar?
  5. Was Jeff into football?

Matching Vocabulary to talk about things you ‘used to’ do

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. instrument
2. be into (something)
3. miss
4. give up
a. to stop doing something entirely
b. to feel sad that you are not doing something anymore
c. something used to play music
d. to be interested in something

Discussion Questions

  1. Can you play any musical instruments?
  2. Are you good at sports?
  3. What are you into? What were you into when you were a child?

Child used to

ESL Conversation #4 About What you ‘Used to’ do/like

Mindy: Can you believe this weather?

Frank: I know, it’s been so warm outside I love it.

Mindy: Yes, but remember how much snow we used to get every year? It’s kind of scary how mild the winters have gotten.

Frank: Yes, I remember growing up, we used to always go skating on the lake. The lake doesn’t even freeze anymore.

ESL Questions Part 4 – Talking About The Past

  1. How has the weather been lately?
  2. How has the weather changed over the years?
  3. How are the winters now?
  4. What did they used to do on the lake?
  5. How has the lake changed?

Matching – Talking About The Past

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. mild
2. grow up
3. scary
4. remember
a. strange and uncomfortable to think about
b. to recall something from the past
c. warm
d. develop into an adult

Discussion Questions

  1. What season do you like best? Why?
  2. Has the weather changed where you live? How?
  3. What activities are popular in the different seasons where you live?

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Reference: NewInt4


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