A fun English lesson for beginner ESL students to learn adverbs of frequency, vocabulary, and expressions for talking about transportation. Watch the ESL video about transportation and getting around town. Use the ESL Printable and Digital storytelling flashcards to retell the story and practice using new vocabulary and expressions to talk about how you get around town. Get the downloadable and printable worksheets, ESL printable and digital flashcards, ESL listening and reading exercises, and gamify lessons with badges and stamps.
Watch the following YouTube video:
1. How long does it take Mindy to get to work by subway?
2. How long does it take Mindy to get to work by bicycle?
3. How does Mindy usually get to work?
4. How does Tony get to work?
5. How does Mindy sometimes get to work?
6. How often does Tony drive to work?
7. What sometimes happens when Tony drives to work?
8. How does Samantha feel about waiting in traffic?
every day
I (usually) come by (bicycle).
It takes about (ten) (minutes).
pretty ~
half hour
stuck in traffic
traffic jam
can’t stand …
by foot/on foot
Use the following ESL printable flashcards to talk modes of transportation. What are the good and bad points of each?
What word(s) in the video have the opposite meaning as the words below?
What word(s) in the video have the same meaning as the words below?
Complete the following sentences using the adverb of frequency.
on foot/by foot
I usually walk …
I take a bus.
I ride my scooter.
around (twenty) minutes
Tony: So how do you come to work every day?
Mindy: I usually come by subway, but I sometimes come by bicycle.
Tony: How long does it take on the subway?
Mindy: It takes about fifteen minutes.
Tony: I see. How long does it take by bicycle?
Mindy: It’s about a thirty to forty minute bicycle ride from here.
Tony: Wow, that’s pretty far.
Mindy: How about you? How do you come to work?
Tony: I always drive to work.
Mindy: I see. How long does it take?
Tony: It’s about a half hour from here.
Mindy: That’s pretty convenient.
Tony: Yes, it’s not bad, but sometimes I get stuck in a traffic jam.
Mindy: That’s terrible. I can’t stand waiting in traffic.
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Reference: B1L8