April Fool’s Day Pranks is an ESL conversation lesson for students to learn grammar, vocabulary, idioms and phrases for talking about April Fool’s Day and April Fool’s Day Pranks.

Watch the ESL video on April Fool’s Day and use the ESL Printable and Digital storytelling flashcards to practice using new vocabulary and expressions. Get the ESL printable worksheets on April Fool’s Day, ESL printable and digital flashcards, ESL listening and reading exercises, and gamify lessons with badges and stamps.

Warm Up Questions

  1. Have you ever pulled a prank on anyone?
  2. Has anyone ever pulled a prank on you?
  3. Do you like to joke around? Do you have a good sense of humor?

ESL Video about April Fool’s Day Pranks

Watch the following YouTube video:

ESL Listening Questions

  1. What is one of Bob’s favorite days?
  2. He talks about his favorite prank growing up. What is it?
  3. What prank can’t you pull anymore?
  4. Why can’t you make prank calls anymore?
  5. What did Bob put on Jimmy’s car once?
  6. What did Bob ask Jimmy for the day that he put the sticker on his car? 
  7. When did Jimmy realize there was a bumper sticker on his car?
  8. What will Bob and Yumi do next?

Matching Vocabulary about April Fool’s Day Pranks

Match the words or expressions on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. crack up
2. hilarious
3. gullible
4. admit
5. yell
6. a riot
7. to pull a prank
8. trick
a. to carry out a trick or joke against someone
b. to say that you accept or deny the truth of something
c. to speak very loudly at someone
d. to make someone believe that something is or is not true when it really is
e. extremely funny
f. to laugh uncontrollably
g. very funny
h. to easily believe something especially that isn’t true

April Fool’s Day Pranks

ESL Conversation about April Fool’s Day

Bob: I’m sorry about earlier Yumi.
That was pretty funny though.
You have to admit I really fooled you.

Yumi; Yes, you sure did.
But I got you back.
It wasn’t as good as yours though.
Or should I say it wasn’t as mean as yours?
What is the best prank that you’ve ever pulled Bob?

Bob: Hmm… good question.
It’s always been one of my favorite days.
When I was a kid growing up, I used whoopee cushions on my classmates.
We also used to make crank calls all the time.
You can’t really do that anymore though because everyone has smart phones now.
One time, I put a big bumper sticker on Jimmy’s car.
It said, “please honk and scream at me. , , It’s April fools’ Day!”
That was hilarious.
I asked him for a ride home that day and I couldn’t stop cracking up.
Everyone was honking at him and screaming.
It was a riot.

Yumi: How funny!
When did he realize that there was a bumper sticker on his car?

Bob: Not until 3 days later!
He had no idea why everyone was honking, angry, and yelling at him.

Yumi: Oh my, that is so funny.

Bob: Well, who can we trick next?

Yumi: Good question. Who is the most gullible of our friends?

Bob: Hmm… let me see …

ESL Discussion Questions on April Fools

Discuss the following. If you do not know, Google it!

  1. Do you get annoyed by pranks or jokes or do you find them humorous?
  2. What kind of tricks are common where you are from?
  3. Are there gadgets or trick toys that people can buy where you come from? What are they?
  4. What is the background of April Fool’s Day?
  5. Do you try to get revenge on people who play tricks on you?
  6. Are you gullible? Explain.
  7. Do you have any gullible friends or family? Explain.
  8. What are some examples of bad pranks or jokes that people can play on April Fool’s Day?
  9. What’s the difference between a fib and a lie?
  10. Would you believe it if someone told you that they got married or won the lottery on April Fool’s Day?

Questions? info@pocketpassport.com

Reference: SPR02