A fun lesson for beginner ESL students to learn English grammar, vocabulary, and expressions to have a conversation about technology. Learn to give your opinion and support your opinion. Talk about mobile phones and how they have changed our lives. Compare the past and the present. Watch the ESL video about technology and mobile phones and use the ESL Printable and Digital storytelling flashcards to retell the story and practice using new vocabulary and expressions by the web development company. Get the downloadable and printable worksheets, ESL printables and digital flashcards, listening and reading exercises, and everything you need for the perfect digital and remote English lesson when you subscribe.

ESL Video and ESL Listening Practice Talking about Technology

Watch the following video:

ESL Conversation about Technology

Tony: My phone is almost dead. Do you have a charger?

Joey: Yes, there’s a portable charger over there on the table.

Tony: That’s perfect, thanks.

Joey: Can you believe how far technology has come?

Tony: It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? It’s like you said earlier. There were barely any bank machines when we were growing up.

Joey: Now you can pay for almost anything online or by using an app on your phone.

Tony: It’s unreal. It seems like yesterday that everyone was using home phones.

Joey: Now almost nobody has or uses a home phone. Everyone including kids have cell phones.

Tony: Do you really think it’s for the best though? I mean it used to be nice when people couldn’t bug you at all times of the day and night.

Joey: Yes, I think there are good points and bad points to it all. I mean on one hand they make life easier when it comes to business.

Tony: Yes, I agree with that point, but I think that people are too dependent on them. Nobody can relax and you can never really take a day off.

Joey: Yes, you are right, but can you imagine life without cell phones?

Tony: Not anymore. I rely on it all the time now. I can’t live without it. I even check my phone messages in the middle of the night.

Joey: I hear you there. They sure have changed how we go about our everyday lives, haven’t they?

Tony: As we speak another message comes through.

ESL Listening Questions about Technology

  1. What is wrong with Tony’s phone?
  2. What does he ask Joey to borrow?
  3. Where is the phone charger?
  4. What were there few of when Joey and Tony were growing up?
  5. What can you do now that you couldn’t do before according to Joey?
  6. What does the expression, “it seems like yesterday” mean?
  7. According to Tony, what was nice about the past and not having mobile phones?
  8. According to Joey, when do they make life easier?
  9. When does Tony check his phone?
Questions about Technology

ESL Digital and Printable Flashcards

Use the following flashcards to talk about technology. Pocket Passport has thousands of digital and printable flashcards to choose from. Vocabulary building and ESL storytelling.

esl English Conversations

Matching – Conversation about Technology

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. to bug someone
2. unreal
3. imagine
4. portable
5. rely on
6. dead
7. dependent on
8. charger
a. something that you can easily take with you
b. to need someone or something for support or help
c. annoy or irritate
d. to not work anymore
e. to form a picture or idea in your mind about something
f. require someone or something for support or help
g. a device for charging a battery
h. unbelievable; hard to believe

ESL Gamification

Digital badges and stamps to gamify the ESL classroom. Assign

esl gamification - Digital Badge
esl Digital Badge - ESL gamification

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Reference: I1L13