Holiday Travel

This Holiday Travel ESL lesson for ESL students to learn vocabulary and expressions to talk about holiday travel. Watch the ESL video, use the ESL storytelling flashcards to retell a story about holiday travel, and do the exercises below.

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Warm Up Questions about Holiday Travel

  1. How is the weather in winter in your country?
  2. What are some fun things to do in the summer? In the winter?
  3. Is there any place in the world you would like to visit? Where?
  4. What other traditional foods are popular in your country?

Vocabulary Check

luau, feast, celebrate, adventure, suntan,
vacation, hula, reindeer, popular, variety

ESL Video on Holiday Travel ESL Lesson

Watch the YouTube video and answer the following questions.

ESL Listening Questions on Holiday Travel ESL Lesson

  1. Does everyone travel to be with their family at Christmas time?
  2. What do some people do at Christmas time?
  3. How is the weather in Australia in December?
  4. What can people do in Australia at Christmas time?  
  5. What is a luau?
  6. Where can people go for a cold, snowy Christmas?
  7. What kind of animal can you see in these countries?
  8. What big city is a popular place to go at Christmas time?
  9. What can you do in this city?
  10. What is the most popular place to be at Christmas time?


Match the words on the left with words or expressions on the right that are closest in meaning.

1. variety
2. adventure
3. feast
4. reindeer
5. popular
6. suntan
7. Luau
9. vacation
9. vacation
10. hula
A. a very large meal, usually on a special occasion like a holiday or birthday
B. liked or enjoyed by many people or a group of people
C. a traditional Hawaiian dance
D. this is a Hawaiian party with lots of food and entertainment
E. to have a fun activity such as a party on a special day
F. many different types or many choices
G. time off from work or school to relax or travel
H. an unusual, exciting, and sometimes dangerous activity or experience
I. brown skin caused by being exposed to the sun
J. an animal that lives in cold northern countries

Discussion Questions on Holiday Travel ESL Lesson

  1. Have you ever traveled to a foreign country?
  2. Do you want to have an adventure? What kind of adventure?
  3. Who would you like to travel with on vacation?
  4. What events do you celebrate in your country?
  5. Do you know any traditional dances? What are they?
  6. What is an example of a ‘feast’ where you live?
holiday travel ESL lesson

Words in Context – Fill-in-the-blanks

Use the words from the vocabulary box to complete the following sentences. You may need to modify the tense or word form.

  1. Most of my classmates like hamburgers but by far the most ___________ food is pizza. Everybody loves pizza!
  2. My soccer team won the championship game so we are going to __________ by having a school dance this Saturday.
  3. You can tell that Bob went to Hawaii on vacation. He has a beautiful  _______ because he spent a lot of time at the beach!
  4. At Christmas, Santa travels around the world in a sleigh pulled by eight ___________.
  5. When we were in Hawaii my mom and sister learned how to _______ dance.  Now they practice at home every day!
  6. Juan likes to have big _____________ when he goes on vacation.  Last summer, he went mountain climbing in Nepal!
  7. Chen listens to a ___________ of music. Today he is listening to K-Pop but yesterday he was listening to opera and rock and roll.
  8. I can’t believe the ________ my grandmother made. We had turkey, roast beef, ham, and roast duck for Christmas dinner!
  9. Julia has been working twelve hours a day for the last three months to get the project done.  She really needs a _____________!
  10. We enjoyed watching the singing and dancing while we ate a lot of food at the big ________ on the beach.  It was fantastic!

ESL Conversation on Holiday Travel ESL Lesson

Fill-in-the-blanks – Watch the video and complete the sentences.

The holiday season is right _____________. It’s a great time to travel for a lot of people.

Whether you celebrate Christmas or just use the time off to relax and _____________ it’s a popular time of the year to _____________.

People don’t just travel to be with their family.  Some people use their vacation time to go on an _____________ somewhere!

There are a lot of fun places to visit during the holidays, and a great variety of _____________ to go on. Whether you miss the summer and want to go somewhere hot,

You want to go somewhere that is very snowy and cold to celebrate the holidays, or you want to have an exciting adventure in a big city, there are _____________ of great choices!

Some people don’t like the cold weather so they want to be someplace warm. In Australia it’s the middle of summer, so it’s a hot destination.

In Australia you can swim, relax, and get a _____________ at Christmas time.

Hawaii is also a _____________ spot for a warm vacation.

Learn to hula dance and enjoy a traditional Hawaiian Luau; a big feast with lots of music and dancing. There are also a lot of _____________ Christmas lights and decorations everywhere!

On the other hand people who live in countries with warmer climates prefer their holiday season to be cold and snowy so they travel to countries very _____________.  Here they have deep snow, and beautiful _____________ night skies. They even have real reindeer and you might even see Santa!

New York city is another popular vacation spot at this time of year. People can ice skate and see the world’s tallest Christmas tree (______________). There are also a lot of Christmas lights and _____________ to keep you busy! But…It IS pretty cold!

Hot or cold, _____________ or exciting, there are a lot of places to enjoy your time off. Of course the most popular place to spend the holidays is still at home with family. 

BUT, if you want an adventure, you can do that too! 

What do you want to do?

Where do you want to go this holiday season?

Holiday travel esl lesson

Reference: WE4